films=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM films;
(1 row)

There were several additions, including one which I actually had when I wrote the previous entry but forgot to add to the database.

One of the more recent additions is Memoirs of a Geisha, an intriguing and compelling piece about some of the more mysterious parts of Japanese culture, and how World War II affected this—wrapped in a love story.

It's unfortunate that the movie depicts Geisha as prostitutes (which they are not), but other than that, it's a pretty solid movie.

Another movie which I recently acquired is Requiem for a Dream, a somewhat harsh movie (definitely no happy ending here) about addiction in all its forms. I think this movie is a must-see for everyone, really; not only because of its message (and boy, does it have one), but also because of the way the movie is filmed; split screen, snorricam, and other inventive camera and montage techniques all add to the movie's excellence. And then there's the soundtrack. Oh boy, that sountrack.

There were more, but those were not as interesting.