On FOSDEM, beer, and oldworld powermacs

  1. The second day of FOSDEM was (at least) as good as the first day. Though I'll try to find some volunteers to help me out with talk moderation next year, so that I won't have to sit there all the time but actually do have time to speak to random people, rather than having to say "Hi, you're here! Nice to see you! Sorry, but I have to go."
  2. Beer is nice. Belgian beer is good. Belgian beer in le Roi d'Espagne together with a few hundred other hackers is very good. Having to yell to get through the noise all night and subsequently losing your voice for the rest of the weekend? Less so.
  3. Several people told me this happened to me last year, too, so I suppose it's correct. I don't remember, however. Must make sure it doesn't happen again.

  4. When bringing an oldworld powermac for Sven Luther, it would be great had I actually told him this is your box rather than your box is at the booth; when you want it, go there and pick it up. Doing so might have prevented Sven to pick up the wrong box when going home. As it is, I'm stuck with an oldworld powermac that I have to find storage for, while Sven is stuck with a box that isn't his, and that we have to find out who it belongs to, how to get it to him/her, etc.

Other than that, I love this weekend.