I'm going to FOSDEM

In less than two days, and I still have loads to do

  • Clean the office. The floor is pretty dirty right now, no place to lay down guests.
  • Pack my bags. I host guests at the office, which requires me to sleep there, too.
  • Figure out a solution for the booth (I did get some volunteers, but did not follow up on that yet).
  • Write two sets of slides: one for my talk about the Belgian eID card in Debian, one for the key signing party, which I'm also organizing
  • Clean out my SD cards, so that I can actually take pictures. This involves some sorting out of what needs to be kept and what not, etc.

Most of this has to be done this evening. And all this while feeling horrible; I think I'm sick again. If I didn't have to give this perl training, I'd have stayed at home today.

Here's for hoping I'll feel better during the weekend. And that I'll get everything done by tonight.