Incomplete descriptions?

I've been removing and blocking blogs on Planet Grep that don't contain their complete articles in their RSS feed, because I feel that a planet should read as a newspaper; having only teasers to follow makes that problematic. I find that having to open a different website each time you get to a different article distracts you from actually reading the blog entries on the planet, which isn't very nice; and since the RSS feed can contain the entire article, why not?

However, it appears that a number of people disagree with that opinion, so I'm hereby requesting opionions.

If you feel that Planet Grep should continue to contain only feeds with full articles (as opposed to feeds with a "read more" type of link), please leave a comment on this article in my blog.

Likewise, if you feel that Planet Grep should not try to be holier than thou and that more people on planet is more important than being able to read an article in its entirety on the planet, then please leave a comment on this article in my blog.
