Disk not full anymore

In case you visited planet grep earlier today, you may have noticed something peculiar: the front page being corrupted, or truncated, or not there at all. This had everything to do with a full hard disk in samba.grep.be, the machine that serves Planet Grep. I temporarily shut down the apache process and modified some configuration items so that some caching bits do not use quite as much space as they used to anymore, and we're now back at approximately 10G of free disk space. So we're good for the go again.

Since the planet cache also had gotten corrupted during all this, I nuked it. This revealed that the ISOC people's feed had not been refreshed since quite a while, and that they use an incomplete. As a result, in accordance with my policy, I removed its feed. Also, yesterday the feed for the FOSDEM website has been added—but that only got active today, because of the disk space issues. Oh well.