Cleanup: clarification

If I may believe my mailbox and blog comment system, here seems to be some confusion over my cleanup post of a few days ago, so allow me to clarify.

  • It is not up to me (or, for that matter, up to anyone but the author) to decide what anyone should write on their blog. However, it is important that the content of Planet Grep remains interesting, and the only way for me to do that is to remove feeds that provide content which, for the most part, is not that interesting for people who read Planet Grep. This is not a personal attack on anyone.
  • While I have removed blog feeds that for the most part consisted of nontechnical content, this in no way is meant to imply that people should only send technical content to Planet Grep; on the contrary. This is just a belated follow-up on the results of the survey, where it was clearly indicated that while an occasional nontechnical post is welcomed by most people, this should definitely not be the main topic.

Hope that explains.